Take back control of your credit card.Stop giving the same credit card number to every merchant. It’s not safe, and if one of them gets compromised, it’s painful.
Instead, create one-to-one relationships by giving merchants their own, unique virtual card number.
“Security breaches can be quarantined and direct debits swiftly canceled with ease and convenience” –CNN
“Perhaps the greatest advancement in credit card technology in recent memory, Final is promising major changes to the purchasing world.” – BuzzFeed
Generate merchant-locked virtual cards for subscriptionsGenerate one-time use virtual cards for sketchy merchantsLost card? Turn your physical card off or on in real-timeRedeem 1% cash back on every purchase
Our goal is to give back control to cardholders to decide how and when they get charged. To do that, the static card number people currently pay with must become dynamic.
Use Final, and remove the headache associated with canceled cards, fraud, breaches, and merchants charging you without permission.
Let’s take back control.
This Final Card program is issued by First Bank & Trust, Brookings SD, Member FDIC pursuant to a license by Visa U.S.A Inc. Visa® is a registered trademark of Visa U.S.A. Inc.